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December 2, 2021
4 min read

How do Online Teaching Certifications Aid Professional Development?

How do Online Teaching Certifications Aid Professional Development?
Written By
Pooja Pant

Pooja Pant

Pooja, currently a Content Creator at Suraasa, is a former English teacher. On a personal note, she likes it when people follow her on Instagram.😀

Past few years have changed the education industry forever. With recent advancements in technology, the traditional way of education has also changed. Today, education is not restricted to the four walls of a classroom or  a blackboard. Instead, with the digital advancements, a whole new online platform is available to learn from. With a wide array of opportunities and courses available, people can now learn anything from anywhere. The barriers of time and distance concerning learning no longer exist in the age of the internet. 

As the world progresses, we must progress with it. The education industry is no exception to the notion, changes need to be incorporated with time. Teachers need to adapt to the changing methods and upskill themselves accordingly. As children today are growing up in different environments, their needs and ways of learning are going to vary. It's important for teachers to upskill themselves and adapt to the technology. For this, investing in online certifications and courses can prove to be very useful. Online certifications can be the key to aiding the professional development of teachers.

Professional development of teachers

Benefits of online Certifications and Courses for Teachers

1. New Opportunities

The most valuable thing that comes up with upskilling is the gateway to better opportunities. No career can accelerate without adding a new skill set. Enrolling in a course for a teaching certificate can help advance an educator's career in multiple ways. With this, the chance for teachers to not only find better jobs or get promotions increases, but it also opens up avenues abroad. Working on skills is an integral part of rising in professional life. Staying at the same stage in a career can make the job monotonous. It’s advisable to keep working on enhancing competency to reach new heights.

New job opportunities

2. Teacher Retention Increases

In many parts of the country, there is an instability of teachers in educational institutions. The only way to change this trend is to make teachers competent. To increase teacher retention, the focus should be on professional development. Another challenge faced is the gap between teachers’ education and their teaching standards. The gap between learning and execution must be bridged and online assessments can help with that. An online course will be beneficial to the teacher at any stage of his or her career.

Teacher retention

3. Courses are Versatile

Every teacher comes from a different background with his/her own experiences. However, there exists a lag in the kind of education needed and what is being taught today. To advance with ongoing changes in the education sector, it is integral for teachers to acquire new skills. The best way to upskill themselves is through professional development courses. These courses have no barriers across countries and states. They can be taken from anywhere in the world at any time according to the suitability of the teacher. As every teacher has its own set of requirements, choosing a course that matches the need is easier if taken online. Depending upon the career stage, experience, and individual characteristics the course is effective for upskilling.

Courses are versatile


A professional journey involves continued work and learning. There is no stage in a career where one should stop learning. Today, with a wide variety of courses and platforms available, choose to build your career by planning certain certifications such as PgCTL from renowned websites such as Suraasa, which will help you grow. Teaching and learning go hand in hand. As a teacher, it is important to keep learning new advancements and technology. Working on oneself can boost career and job satisfaction.

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Written By
Pooja Pant

Pooja Pant

Pooja, currently a Content Creator at Suraasa, is a former English teacher. On a personal note, she likes it when people follow her on Instagram.😀

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