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August 31, 2023
12 min read

International Teachers’ Olympiad Winners: Inspiring Stories

International Teachers’ Olympiad Winners: Inspiring Stories
Written By
Simran Agarwal

Simran Agarwal

Simran is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher. She is passionate about learning and making a difference through her words.


Picture this: A teacher standing on a global stage with a smile that reflects the recognition they've long deserved. As International Teachers' Olympiad winners, this isn't just a dream – it's a reality for thousands of teachers.

ITO doesn't just recognise teachers; it celebrates them. Those who dared to challenge themselves, who went beyond their boundaries, and who left an indelible mark on their students' lives – they're the stars of this show.

Exciting, right? Our blog takes you on a journey through these stories of triumph and success. Get ready to be inspired by the teachers who stood out for their novel teaching expertise, and left an impact that's changing education worldwide. Before we dive into the world ofInternational Teachers’ Olympiadwinners and their inspiring stories, let's first understand what ITO actually is.

Unveiling International Teachers’ Olympiad (ITO)

Now that we've set the stage, let's talk about the heart of the matter – International Teachers' Olympiad (ITO) itself. Its mission is profound – to empower teachers globally. It revolves around fostering professional growth, recognition, and respect for teachers. 

It is an opportunity for you to assess your pedagogical skills and teaching competency. During the Olympiad, you undergo a one-hour online assessment. Based on your performance, you receive a pedagogy report to track your progress year-on-year & growth plans to become even better educators.

 Teachers' Olympiad that focuses on Pedagogy and Teaching Skills

What truly sets the olympiad apart is our unique focus on pedagogy. Unlike other teacher olympiads, ITO places its emphasis not on subject expertise, but rather on your teaching skills. It stands as an initiative where educators from various backgrounds can come together and register. This approach celebrates teaching excellence that knows no boundaries. Teachers unite to exchange experiences and insights, fostering a global community that influences the future of education.

Intrigued? Read more as we explore how International Teachers’ Olympiad helps you become the best version of yourself.

How ITO Helps You Become a Top Teacher

With a glimpse into the essence of International Teachers' Olympiad, let's now unveil how it can transform you into a top-notch teacher. Embarking on this journey is simpler than you think – just three easy steps to elevate your teaching game and make a lasting impact on your students.

Timeline of ITO results and Teacher Olympiad Winner Prize Announcement

Step 1: Assess and Understand Your Teaching Skills

Ever wondered where you stand as a teacher? ITO provides you with the unique opportunity to assess your teaching skills through a comprehensive one-hour online assessment. This evaluation dives deep into your current skill set, shedding light on your strengths and areas for improvement. Remember, it doesn't focus on subject. Questions would be of the same for you irrespective of the subject you teach.

ITO result? A detailed feedback report that guides you on your teaching journey. This report is 100% confidential and is accessible only to you. With this report you can know your teaching skills, understand your strengths, and identify the areas where a little more effort could create a significant impact.

ITO result, your confidential and personalised report

Step 2: Upskill with ITO Resources

What's next? After getting your feedback report (a.k.a your ITO result), you can now embark on a journey of growth and transformation. The Olympiad equips you with an array of resources to upskill yourself. 

All participants of ITO get access to Live masterclasses

For the next 6 months, you'll receive 6 skill-improvement plans, crafted by world-renowned teacher trainers. These plans guide you on what areas to focus on, helping you further enhance your teaching abilities. 

You also gain access to 6 exclusive ITO live online masterclasses hosted by international experts. And as you progress each month, you'll are awarded international certificates certifying your progress! It's more than just learning; it's about evolving into an even better version of yourself as an educator.

Step 3: Implement and Shine in Your Classroom

But knowledge alone is just a part of the equation. The real magic happens when you take what you've learned and implement it in your classroom. Apply the insights, techniques, and strategies you've gained from the Olympiad in your teaching. Witness firsthand the impact it has on your students' learning experience. As you refine your approach and witness the positive outcomes, you'll truly see the transformation you've undergone as a top teacher.

International Teachers’ Olympiad makes you winner in the classroom

Ready to take that leap? Register Now!

International Teachers’ Olympiad Winners (2022) & Their Stories

International Teachers' Olympiad Winners of 2022 bring to life the essence of this journey through their inspiring stories. These educators, hailing from different corners of the world, embarked on a path that not only tested their pedagogical prowess but also celebrated their contributions to the field of education. Their stories reflect the diverse experiences, challenges, and triumphs that shape the lives of teachers globally. Let’s get right into these stories.

1. Nene Ibezim from Nigeria: The Quest to Grow & Receive Feedback

Nene Ibezim, a dedicated educator working with 'Teach for Nigeria', discovered International Teachers' Olympiad (ITO) through an online notification. Already familiar with Suraasa's masterclasses, Nene was drawn to Olympiad's focus on self-assessment and improvement. 

As one of the Top 100 achievers from International Teachers’ Olympiad Winner list, Nene says,

“The detailed personalised reports offered a new level of feedback, inspiring me to intentionally nurture specific skills vital to excelling in the teaching role.”

For Nene, the Olympiad was a reflective journey that not only allowed her to evaluate her classroom practices but also introduced her to new concepts. The experience motivated her to explore unfamiliar terms, fostering a broader understanding of education. Through this opportunity, she embraced the opportunity to evolve as an educator and enrich her teaching methodologies.

2. Anubhuti Shukla from India: Embracing the Thrill of Learning

Anubhuti Shukla, a Biology teacher at Delhi International School found her journey of being among Top 100 International Teachers' Olympiad winners to be insightful and exhilarating. Having a passion for exams and a knack for seeking insights, Anubhuti's experience resonated deeply with the Olympiad's purpose.

Introduced to the Olympiad by her Principal, Anubhuti's curiosity was piqued. Eager to explore a new dimension of assessment, she registered for it. Anubhuti's achievement was a delightful surprise. It affirmed her commitment to continuous learning and her dedication to the teaching profession.

Reflecting on her experience, Anubhuti says, 

“The meticulously crafted questions that not only challenged me but also enriched me knowledge. The questions, designed thoughtfully with informative multiple-choice options, added value to my learning journey,”

3. Zubaida Sabeen from Pakistan: From Classroom to a Global Stage

Zubaida Sabeen, a Grade 2 teacher at Beacon House School in Karachi, Pakistan, embarked on a journey of professional recognition through International Teachers' Olympiad.  By participating in it, Sabeen felt a blend of anticipation and excitement, reminiscent of her students preparing for an exam. On the D-day, as the questions unfolded, her confidence grew, leading to a sense of accomplishment that resonated deeply.

Motivated by a desire for recognition and professional growth, Sabeen embraced her title of Top 100 International Teachers’ Olympiad Winner Prize as an opportunity to receive acknowledgement for her dedication to education. She says,

“The Olympiad experience affirmed my teaching strategies and bridged theoretical knowledge with real-life classroom scenarios. It reinforced confidence in me, serving as a testament to the transformative power of the Olympiad.”

Sabeen's journey embodies the profound connection between professional growth, recognition, and self-assurance within the teaching community. Her story highlights the impact of the Olympiad in empowering educators to realise their true teaching potential.

4. Pramitha from UAE: Empowering Teachers with Professional Development & Recognition

Based in Ajman, UAE, Pramitha oversees the education of students from grades nine to twelve and serves as the Head of the Physics Department at a reputed school in UAE. 

She credits the introduction to the Suraasa and the teachers’ Olympiad to Mr. Suryaj Sukumar, school’s Vice Principal, and her mentor.  With the Olympiad, she found herself embarking on a journey of professional development and recognition. It proved to be a remarkable resource, offering her insights into her current standing, potential for growth, and areas for further improvement. Just as students prepare for exams with a mix of anticipation and excitement, Pramitha felt a similar blend of emotions as she delved into the assessment. In her own words:

“When my achievement placed me among the Top 100 ITO winners, Mr. Suryaj Sukumar was genuinely thrilled. He enthusiastically shared this milestone across various channels – from numerous WhatsApp groups to discussions with the school management and staff. His support and recognition amplified the significance of this accomplishment."

Pramitha's narrative underscores the profound link between professional development, acknowledgment, and self-assurance within the educational realm. Her experience showcases how initiatives like ITO can empower educators to uncover their true teaching potential and celebrate their growth.

The stories of these remarkable educators highlight the scope of the teaching profession. Each journey showcases the commitment to growth, the pursuit of excellence, and the joy that comes from making a difference in the lives of students. The Teachers' Olympiad Winners of 2022 stand as a testament to the transformative power of dedication and a reminder that the impact of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom.


Let’s not forget that stories are the bridges that connect inspiration with action. The tales of International Teachers’ Olympiad Winners of 2022 have illuminated the path of excellence, showcasing the remarkable impact educators can have on shaping lives and societies. From Nigeria to India, Pakistan to UAE, these stories remind us that every teacher's journey is a blend of dedication, growth, and transformation.

Register now for international olympiad for teachers

As we embrace these stories of triumph, we invite you to be a part International Teachers' Olympiad 2023. It's your chance to assess your skills, upskill through enriching resources, and implement innovative techniques in your classroom.

Register now for International Teachers' Olympiad 2023 and be a winner in the world of teaching. Your story, your journey, and your impact awaits.

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Written By
Simran Agarwal

Simran Agarwal

Simran is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher. She is passionate about learning and making a difference through her words.

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