In the News

Suraasa's impact and efforts have been recognised and covered by major media houses in the country. For any media enquiries please reach out to
India Education Diary
June 24, 2024

Teacher Impact Awards 2024 Recognize Winners From 3 Continents

The Teacher Impact Awards 2024 recognized educators from three continents for their outstanding contributions, with winners receiving financial rewards and global recognition.
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Hans India
June 5, 2024

Balance AI Benefits, Privacy, Fairness & Transparency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) aren’t just making waves in Silicon Valley; they’re knocking on the doors of our classrooms too.
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Business News This Week
May 27, 2024

Top 3 Edtech Platforms Enhancing Teacher Competencies Through Upskilling Programs

The top three EdTech platforms that are enhancing teacher competencies through upskilling programs, interactive classroom experiences, and digital classroom management.
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EdTech x Indian Education Congress
February 7, 2024

EdTech x Indian Education Congress & Awards 2024

Rishabh Khanna, Founder & CEO of Suraasa, honored as a keynote speaker at the 2024 EdTech x Indian Education Congress & Awards 2024.
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Silicon India
January 8, 2024

Best Authentication Practices to Improve Cybersecurity & Data Privacy in EdTech Platforms

There is a strong need for strong password policies, advanced data encryption techniques, and regular software updates to safeguard information and mitigate cyber threats.
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Silicon India
January 8, 2024

Best Authentication Practices to Improve Cybersecurity & Data Privacy in EdTech Platforms

There is a strong need for strong password policies, advanced data encryption techniques, and regular software updates to safeguard information and mitigate cyber threats.

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CXO Today
December 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence in Teaching

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing teaching by enabling customization of instructional methods to fit each student's distinct needs and learning pace. Learn AI's role in grading assignments, analyzing classroom dynamics, and providing insights into each student's strengths and areas for improvement.

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Easy Shiksha
December 19, 2023

The Era Of Professional Teaching: How’s The Role Of Teachers Evolved In 2023

Teachers are now more than just knowledge providers - they’re guides and mentors, helping students learn skills beyond just what’s in the books.

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Hans India
November 3, 2023

International Teachers' Olympiad 2023 Announces Top 100 Teachers Globally

Cash Prizes worth ₹10 Lakhs will be awarded to the top 100 teachers, along with a Certificate and Badge of Excellence. Moreover, the Top 800 teachers are to be granted ₹1 Lakh scholarship each by the International Teachers' University (ITU).

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The Hindu
October 21, 2023

Why Self-assessment is Essential for Teachers

Teachers who engage in self-assessment have a more profound understanding of the content, students’ needs, and the pedagogical knowledge required to teach effectively.

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Hans India
October 8, 2023

5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies

In an age where distractions are merely a screen tap away, and attention spans are diminishing, the need to master the art of classroom management has never been more paramount.

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Opportunity India
September 21, 2023

Teachers Key To Solve Education Puzzle: Suraasa

Speaking to Opportunity India, Rishabh Khanna, Founder and CEO of Suraasa discusses challenges and trends in the education sector.

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Mother Baby Child
September 8, 2023

The UAE’s Education Sector Transformation and Teacher Empowerment

The interview highlights the significance of ITO in professional development of teachers & schools. It underscores the importance of upskilling in the ever-evolving education sector.

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Financial Express
August 9, 2023

Suraasa launches 2023 International Teachers’ Olympiad; Three Lakh Teachers from 10,000 Global Schools to Participate

The latest iteration of the International Teachers’ Olympiad (ITO) for the year 2023 has been recently unveiled. As the multinational competition designed for educators, the ITO garnered significant attention with its 2022 edition.

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Times of India
July 22, 2023

Scenario of School Teaching in India and What Needs to Change

We need to implement supportive policies that prioritise the well-being and professional development of teachers.

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The Hans India
July 21, 2023

Olympiads & Self-assessing Competitions are Important for Teachers

By participating, teachers not only elevate their own skills but also create a positive ripple effect in their classrooms, schools, & community.

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July 14, 2023

Teacher Olympiads to Enhance Skills and Open New Opportunities

The Teacher Olympiads have emerged as a significant initiative to help educators understand their skills better and tailor their upskilling efforts accordingly.

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