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September 8, 2023
13 min read

Teacher Olympiad: Tips and Strategies to Excel

Teacher Olympiad: Tips and Strategies to Excel
Written By
Devangana Thakuria

Devangana Thakuria

Devangana is a writer here at Suraasa. Other than writing, she enjoys gardening and painting.


Let’s start this blog with a simple question: “When was the last time we saw or read about teachers being celebrated for their outstanding selves on a global stage?”

We all remember a teacher who had a lasting impact on us. Teachers have always been there, guiding us through life’s big and small lessons. Their dedication truly shapes us. And it’s high time they get some well-deserved and much-due recognition. 

Enter the International Teachers’ Olympiad, a platform designed to recognise and celebrate the best teachers across the globe.

In today’s interconnected world, the field of education is ever-evolving. The ITO exam offers teachers a unique opportunity. By participating, teachers are not just showcasing their teaching skills but also getting the chance to celebrate them. They also stand to make them even better by getting their hands on the latest pedagogical practices that are recognised internationally. 

So, it is crucial to have the right preparation and know the details of this exam very well to make the most of this opportunity. Now, if you’re wondering about the specifics of this Olympiad, stick around. 

This blog will delve into everything you need to know about ITO, from its purpose to its role in today’s educational environment. So, settle in and let’s explore the world of the International Teachers’ Olympiad together.

What is The ITO Exam?

Organised by Suraasa, world’s leading platform for teacher upskilling and growth, ITO is more than just an exam; it’s a movement. It’s about empowering teachers, giving them the recognition they deserve, and elevating the teaching profession. 

The goal? To transform teaching from being just another job to a highly sought-after profession marked by expertise and passion.

ITO exam is about growth. Participating in it provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to gauge your skills against international standards. Doing so lets you discover your true teaching potential, understand your strengths, and identify areas that need further improvement to create a rewarding teaching career.

Modern education is multifaceted, and the ITO exam recognises this. It doesn’t measure teachers on a narrow set of criteria. Instead, it uses 31 indicators spread across six critical domains, ranging from Ethics and Values Curriculum to Teacher Growth and Professional Development. 

This ensures you completely understand where you stand in your profession at the global, national, state and city level. Such a comprehensive evaluation equips you to handle various challenges in your profession.

Grab a report like this by participating in the upcoming Olympiad
Bonus Tip
Did you know that participants of ITO exam get a 15 page detailed performance report? Want to see what all it caters to? Click here to Download Sample Report

ITO embodies what the future of education demands: dynamic, passionate, and skilled teachers who are not just teachers but visionaries equipped with a deep understanding of their profession’s intricacies. 

Why should you participate in the International Teachers Olympiad 2023?

The landscape of education is shifting rapidly, and so is your role as a teacher. 21st-century teachers are expected to keep their pedagogical practices aligned with the distinctive learning styles of today’s generation. As a result, you must be agile and responsive to the ever-evolving needs of this profession. 

In this scenario, ITO exam as an annual event offers the perfect opportunity to keep your teaching skills updated and at par with international standards. Let’s be honest; with your hectic schedule as a teacher, you usually do not have the time to undergo tests or upskilling courses in each of these 6 domains. 

However, with ITO, the process is streamlined for you. Designed with educators' busy schedules in mind, the ITO exam is a consolidated opportunity to evaluate and improve your skills. It saves you the hassle of juggling multiple courses or assessments throughout the year.

As ITO is an annual event, it aligns with the fast-paced changes in the education sector. Each year offers fresh insights and challenges, ensuring you remain abreast of the latest pedagogical practices.

In essence, the ITO exam is an ally in your professional journey. It ensures you stay relevant, informed, and at the top of your game, despite the challenges and time constraints you face as a teacher.

ITO exam report

Excited to measure your pedagogical skills and embark on the journey to uncover your teaching excellence? Well, you know what to do! Click on the button below and complete your ITO registration right away!

Tips and Techniques to become ITO 2023 Winner

Interesting, right? Excited to participate and see your name among the Top 1 percentile? Well, then, this section will be of tremendous help to you. Here you will find some important tips and strategies to make the most of this opportunity.

Let’s start by addressing one of the most commonly asked questions:

What is the ITO Exam Syllabus?

You’ll be happy to know that ITO does not require you to undergo any preparation. ITO aims to measure the teaching skills and pedagogical knowledge you apply in your classroom daily. Hence, no matter which subject you teach, you can take the Olympiad without stress. 

The test questions are based on classroom situations and case studies that help examine and analyse your real teaching skills. As Principal Karuna Nagpal exclaimed,

 Principal of a school praising the scope of Olympiad subjects range in the questions

Now that we have cleared the biggest doubt related to ITO exam, let’s move on to some strategies that will come in handy while you attempt this test.

Strategies to Excel in ITO Exam

Let’s start by discussing some common mistakes participants make before the exam.

1. Complete Your Registration

Complete your Olympiad registration 2023

Most participants assume that their ITO registration is complete once they have successfully paid the registration fee. However, there are some very important steps to be completed once you have paid the registration fee. These steps include providing information about your educational background and teaching profession history.

This information helps us understand your background and provide you with reports that best suit your needs and situation. Remember the global, national, state and city-level position that we discussed earlier in this blog? We can only provide you with appropriate information in this part if you fill up all the mandatory details after the payment. 

2. Check All ITO Communication

After you register successfully for ITO exam, you will receive regular updates from the ITO team on how to maximise this opportunity to benefit your teaching career. For example, you will receive masterclass invites and ITO sessions on the Suraasa Teacher Community. You surely wouldn’t want to miss these. 

So, what do you do? To begin with, make sure to add to your email contact list to receive those updates in your primary inbox. Also, read the emails sent to you so that you are aware of all the latest happenings around the ITO. 

Another fun way of doing this is following the social media handles of International Teachers’ Olympiad. 

3. Take the Mock Test

ITO team organises a mock test a few days before the Olympiad exam. It is crucial that you attend this mock test to familiarise yourself with the user interface of the test platform so that you are well prepared for the big day. This year, it will be enabled starting 1st October 2023. 

Now that we have reached the mock test, let’s move on to some tips that will help you during the ITO exam. 

4. Check your Device and Internet Connection

As you know, the ITO exam is held online. You can attempt it using your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone by signing into the Suraasa website or Android/iOS App using your registered email address or mobile number. The duration of the test is one hour. 

So, it is vital to make sure that you have a functioning device that is fully charged and has a power backup that can last at least one and a half hours. Also, make sure you have access to a stable internet connection and are in a comfortable position, preferably free from distractions, so you can concentrate well during the test. 

5. Login to the Exam Portal 20 Minutes Prior

This is one of the most important steps for the test day. You must login to your account at least 20 minutes before the start of the ITO exam. This will help you to settle down and ensure you are ready to start the exam on time. 

Your Olympiad exam login details are the same as your ITO account login credentials. You will find it in the email shared with you right after you have registered successfully. Also, keep the help centre email ID and WhatsApp chat helpline number handy so that you can get in touch and raise a concern immediately if you face any.

WhatsApp: +919986702707


The core idea of the ITO is simple: learning never stops, even for teachers. While teachers guide students, the ITO reminds them that they, too, have more to learn. By being part of the ITO, teachers get a chance to learn and use the best teaching methods from around the world.

When teachers from different places come together to learn and grow, it raises the quality of teaching everywhere. By joining in and getting feedback from the ITO, teachers can understand their strengths and areas they want to improve. 

Many find it reassuring, knowing they’re doing a great job, while for others, it’s a proud moment when they achieve top percentiles. In short, the ITO helps every teacher believe in themselves and aim higher.

So, to wrap up the blog with the answer to the question mentioned right at the beginning: “When was the last time we saw or read about teachers being celebrated for their outstanding selves on a global stage?”:

We don't remember if there was a time before ITO when teachers worldwide were acknowledged and celebrated for their teaching skills. However, with the advent of ITO, the world of teaching has a shining beacon that recognises and celebrates teaching excellence.

As Kalpita K, a teacher at Drive Change Learning Resource & Centre, Pune and an ITO 2022 Top 100 participant, says:

“The Teacher Olympiad was a great opportunity for me to first see what is going on in the teaching world. What are the practices and what are the theories that people are talking about right now that teachers are talking about right now, and measure that with what I’m doing in my classrooms.

And it really gave me an expressway to learning and growing as a teacher. So there’s some distance that I’ve come, but I can see clearly, and that is where the success of the exam lies. I can see clearly what lies ahead, where I need to take the steps forward in my learning. 

And I think that has been the greatest success of this Olympiad. And I also got to see other teachers, meet other teachers who are doing the same, who are looking at teaching in the same mindset. So it’s a great connecting opportunity. I also feel that because teachers grow when teachers connect.”

Are you ready to find your growth as a teacher? Come join us at the biggest multinational teaching revolution and discover your #TrueTeachingPotential. 

Register right away and let the world celebrate the exceptional teacher that you are!

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Written By
Devangana Thakuria

Devangana Thakuria

Devangana is a writer here at Suraasa. Other than writing, she enjoys gardening and painting.

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