

Chapter 3

Different Types of Lesson Plans


As a teacher, you understand the pivotal role that well-crafted lesson plans play in engaging students and facilitating meaningful educational experiences. They (lesson plans) come in various forms, from daily schedules to long-term plans. Each type has its purpose and benefits. But, amidst a sea of lesson planning options, it can get confusing, right?
The array of choices can be overwhelming, leaving you questioning: 
How do I choose? 
What are the different types of lesson plans, and how do they differ?  
Which approach best suits my students' needs and their educational objectives?

These questions can be quite perplexing, given the multitude of lesson plans designed for diverse settings and purposes. Fortunately, this blog is here to provide you with answers and clarity.
To comprehend the classifications of lesson plans, it's essential to understand how they are divided into categories.
understanding the classification of types of lesson plans
They are typically classified based on three primary criteria:

Classification 1: Based on Timeline

  • Short-term/ daily lesson plan
  • Medium-term/ weekly lesson plan
  • Long-term/monthly lesson plan
Just like planning a trip, you decide how long you’ll be traveling. Will it be a quick daily jaunt, a week-long adventure, or a month of exploration? By categorizing lesson plans based on timeline, you craft lessons that resonate with students' learning trajectories.

Classification 2: Based on Taxonomies

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Flink’s Taxonomy
  • Solo’s Taxonomy
Think of these educational taxonomies as guidebooks for your students’ learning. They offer different ways to organize learning goals and outcomes, helping you tailor your teaching to meet students' needs and abilities.

Classification 3: Based on Sequence

Sequential lesson plans are like pieces of a puzzle. They weave a narrative thread through diverse subjects and concepts. This approach fosters interdisciplinary connections and deepens student engagement.
The above classification provides a solid foundation for the following sections of our blog. Now that you’ve grasped the basics, let's dive deeper into each type of lesson plan. By exploring the details, we'll discover why different types of lesson plan matter and how they fits into various teaching situations. Ready to start? Let's dive in!

Classification 1: Based on Timeline

Types of Lesson Plan Classification based on Timeline
Based on timeline, lesson plans are categorized into three distinct categories:
Aspect Short-term Lesson Plan Medium-term Lesson Plan Long-term Lesson Plan
Duration Typically one class period or less. Spans multiple class periods. Extends beyond several class periods or weeks.
Focus Concise and focused on specific concepts or skills. Provides detailed exploration of a particular topic. Covers a broad range of concepts.
Complexity Simple and straightforward. Moderate complexity with deeper exploration. Comprehensive and complex, requiring extensive planning.
This categorization helps you decide how long your teaching-learning process should be. It will help you plan your lessons more effectively, whether you're teaching short and simple lessons or longer, more complex ones. Understanding the length of your lessons can help you teach in a way that's best for your students so they can learn more effectively.
So, now that you have a glimpse of different types of lesson plans based on timelines, let's explore each one in a detailed manner.

1. Short-Term Lesson Plan

Let's talk about short lesson plans - they're like quick daily fixes for teachers. They are snappy, engaging, and perfect for those "aha" moments. If you're looking to add some excitement to your daily teaching routine, short lesson plans are definitely worth a try.


A short lesson ( aka daily lesson plan) is a detailed document that outlines what a teacher will teach in a single day, how they will teach it, and what materials or activities they will use. It's a step-by-step guide for a single day's teaching-learning process.
  • Micro-Objectives: Short-term lesson plans focus on small, specific learning objectives achievable within a single class period, allowing for a targeted and measurable approach.
  • Quick Assessments: Short-term lesson plans often integrate brief formative assessments, enabling you to take immediate feedback and rapid adjustments to teaching strategies within a short timeframe.
  • Minute-to-Minute Timing: Short-term lesson plans meticulously allocate time for each activity, ensuring a well-paced lesson and maximizing the efficient use of limited class time.
  • Daily Routine Integration: Short-term lesson plans seamlessly integrate daily routines, creating consistency for students and optimizing the short time available for learning each day.
  • In-the-Moment Adaptability: Short-term lesson plans prioritize flexibility, allowing teachers to adapt quickly to unforeseen circumstances or student needs, maintaining engagement and momentum.


A daily lesson plan usually includes the following key components
  • Date: The date of the lesson, so it's clear when this plan is meant to be used.
  • Objective: The lesson's main goal or what students should learn from it. This sets the target for the day.
  • Materials: A list of all the things needed for the lesson, like books, worksheets, or any special equipment.
  • Introduction: How the lesson will begin, often with a way to grab students' attention and introduce the topic.
  • Main Activities: The core of the lesson, where the teacher explains the topic and guides students through learning it. This part is broken down into smaller steps.
  • Assessment: How the teacher will check if students have learned the material. This could be through questions, quizzes, or assignments.
  • Differentiation: If there are students with different needs or abilities in the class, this section explains how the teacher will adapt the lesson for them.
  • Closure: How the lesson will end, often by summarizing what was learned and connecting it to future lessons.
  • Homework: If there's homework, it should be clearly defined here.

2. Medium Term Lesson Plan

Moving on to the next type of lesson plan based on timeline– Medium lesson plans. Think of these as your weekly companions, diving a bit deeper into the subject matter. These weekly companions allow for a more detailed exploration of the topics, giving you the chance to delve into the nitty-gritty over the span of a week. They offer a great opportunity to add a touch of depth to your weekly teaching-learning process.


A medium-term lesson plan is a plan that spans a week, summarizing what topics will be taught and how they will help students reach the unit objectives. It offers a bigger picture compared to daily lesson plans.
  • Interconnected Curriculum: Weekly plans emphasize the interconnectedness of daily lessons throughout the week, fostering a holistic integrated experience for students.
  • Differentiation Across Days: Weekly plans strategically incorporate differentiated instruction on specific days, catering to diverse learning styles and needs of students.
  • Day-to-Day Skill Progression: Weekly plans outline a deliberate progression of skills or concepts on a day-to-day basis, ensuring a logical and sequential development of knowledge throughout the week.
  • Midweek Checkpoints: Midweek, there are checkpoints for progress assessment and adjustments, enabling teachers to gauge student comprehension and adapt teaching strategies to optimize learning for the remainder of the week.


A medium-term lesson plan, which covers a week of teaching, typically includes these components:
  • Week Commencement Date: The starting date for the week's plan.
  • Unit Objectives: The overarching learning goals for the entire unit of study.
  • Weekly Overview: A summary of the topics and activities planned for the week.
  • Daily Lessons: A breakdown of what will be taught on each day of the week. This can be a simple list of daily objectives and key activities.
  • Materials: A general list of materials that will be needed throughout the week.
  • Assessment: An overview of how student progress will be assessed during the week.
  • Homework: If there is weekly homework, it should be outlined.

3. Long-Term Lesson Plan

Now, coming to the last, a long-term plan is a crucial tool that helps you to design and implement a curriculum that spans over a longer duration. It goes beyond the traditional framework of a curriculum, providing a strategic roadmap that outlines the objectives, key milestones, and learning outcomes that students should achieve over an extended period of time.
Unlike other lesson plans, a Long Term Plan offers a comprehensive view of the curriculum, including the various subjects, themes, and skills that students will learn and develop.


A long-term lesson plan spanning a year, divided into monthly or 6-month segments, is a comprehensive educational roadmap that outlines the major topics, objectives, and teaching strategies for each month or half-year within the academic year.
  • Detailed Planning for Comprehensive Coverage: Long-term planning ensures thorough coverage of all necessary topics and objectives over the extended monthly time frame, promoting a well-rounded learning experience.
  • Substitute Teacher-Friendly Structure: It is designed to be substitute teacher-friendly. In case the regular teacher is absent, substitute teachers can easily follow the plan to maintain the students' learning progress.
  • Consistency Across Weeks: Monthly planning maintains consistency in teaching ensuring that each week contributes to the broader monthly objectives. This consistency enhances the student's understanding and retention of key concepts.
  • Collaborative Integration: By dividing subjects into monthly segments, teachers from different subjects can collaborate to plan their lessons in an integrated manner. This fosters interdisciplinary connections, promoting a holistic approach to education that goes beyond individual subject boundaries.


A long-term lesson plan typically includes the following key components:
  • Academic Year: Mention the school year to which the plan applies.
  • Yearly Objectives: Summarise the major learning goals for the entire year.
  • Monthly or Segment Breakdown: Divide the academic year into months or segments, specifying what topics and activities will be taught during each.
  • Weekly/Daily Lessons: For each month or segment, provide a more detailed breakdown of weekly and daily lesson objectives, activities, and resources.
  • Materials/Resources: List the materials, textbooks, and resources needed for the entire academic year.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Describe the methods and tools used to assess student progress over the year, including quizzes, tests, projects, or assignments.
  • Homework/Assignments: Mention any long-term assignments, projects, or homework that extend throughout the year.
  • Adaptations/Differentiation: Explain how the plan will adapt to meet the diverse needs, abilities, and learning styles of students over the year.
  • Reflection/Adjustment: Allocate time for reflection and potential adjustments to the plan based on student progress and any changing needs.

Classification 2: Based on Taxonomies

Let's move beyond types of lesson plans based on the time aspect and look at how lesson plans can be categorized based on cognitive processes. There are three widely used taxonomies that we can use to classify lesson plans: Bloom's, Flink's, and Solo's.
Each taxonomy provides a unique perspective on cognitive and understanding level, allowing you to create lesson plans that cater to the specific learning objectives and styles of your students.
By understanding these taxonomies, you can not only enhance your teaching strategies but also encourage deeper engagement with your students as they progress through different cognitive levels.
Now let's start by understanding each one of them in detail.

1. Bloom’s Taxonomy

is everyone ready to explore lesson plan format and key elements of a lesson plan
Bloom's Taxonomy is a system created in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues to organize educational goals or learning outcomes. It has been widely used for many years to improve how students learn.
This system not only explains how students learn but also provides a clear way to create lesson plans that help students progress from understanding basic concepts to handling more complex tasks in their thinking.
It consists of six stages, arranged in a hierarchical order of complexity:
  • Remember: Recall facts and basic concepts.
  • Understand: Grasp the meaning of information.
  • Apply: Use knowledge in new situations.
  • Analyse: Break down information into parts and explore relationships.
  • Evaluate: Make judgments based on criteria and standards
  • Create: Generate new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things.

Using Bloom's Taxonomy in Different Components of Lesson Plans:

Incorporating Bloom's Taxonomy into lesson plans ensures a comprehensive approach to cognitive development.
Each stage corresponds to a specific set of cognitive skills, enabling you to address the diverse learning needs of your learners.
  • Remembering: In the introduction phase of a lesson plan, set the stage by prompting students to recall relevant prior knowledge. For example, in a History lesson about World War II, ask students to list key events leading to the war.
  • Understanding: Incorporate understanding into the explanation section of your lesson. Use visuals, analogies, or real-world examples to ensure students comprehend the concepts being taught. In a Science lesson about ecosystems, explain how different species interact using a local ecosystem as an example.
  • Applying: During the activity portion of the lesson plan, design tasks that require students to apply what they've learned. In a Mathematics lesson on Geometry, have students solve real-world problems involving angles and shapes.
  • Analyzing: Integrate analytical skills into the discussion or group work segment. For instance, in an English literature lesson, have students analyze the motivations of characters in a novel and discuss how their actions contribute to the plot.
  • Evaluating: Foster evaluation skills during class discussions or debate sessions. In a Social Studies lesson on government systems, encourage students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different political structures.
  • Creating: Culminate the lesson with a creative project or assignment that allows students to showcase their understanding in an original way. In an Art class, students could create a visual representation of a historical event studied during the lesson.

Benefits of Bloom's Taxonomy in Lesson Planning:

  • Clear Learning Objectives: Bloom's Taxonomy helps you to define clear and measurable learning objectives for each lesson stage.
  • Differentiated Instruction: you can tailor activities to address various cognitive levels, catering to the diverse learning styles and abilities of your students.
  • Critical Thinking Development: By progressing through the stages, students develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Assessment Alignment: Bloom’s taxonomy facilitates the creation of assessments that align with the desired learning outcomes, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your student's understanding.
Six aspects of Flink’s taxonomy image
Fink's Taxonomy, developed by L. Dee Fink, is a comprehensive framework that focuses on six significant aspects of course design.
These aspects provide a holistic view of the learning process and guide you to create meaningful and transformative learning experiences for your learners.
The six aspects are:
  • Foundational Knowledge: Building a solid base of factual information.
  • Application: Using knowledge and skills in various contexts.
  • Integration: Connecting ideas across disciplines and experiences.
  • Human Dimension: Emphasising personal and interpersonal development.
  • Caring: Developing empathy and a sense of responsibility.
  • Learning How to Learn: Cultivating skills for lifelong learning and adaptation.

Using Flink’s Taxonomy in Different Components of Lesson Plans:

  • Foundational Knowledge: Begin the lesson with a focus on foundational knowledge. In a Biology class, introduce key concepts about cell structure and function as a basis for understanding more complex topics later in the lesson.
  • Application: Design activities that encourage students to apply what they've learned. In an English lesson, have students apply grammar rules by writing short stories or essay
  • Integration: Create opportunities for students to integrate knowledge from different subjects. For example, in a Social Studies lesson about ancient civilizations, encourage students to connect historical events to geographical and cultural aspects.
  • Human Dimension: Foster personal and interpersonal development through class discussions or group projects. In a psychology lesson, discuss the impact of different personality traits on interpersonal relationships.
  • Caring: Integrate caring into the values and ethics discussion within the lesson. In an Environmental Science class, explore how human actions impact ecosystems and discuss responsible environmental practices.
  • Learning How to Learn: Conclude the lesson by reflecting on the learning process itself. In a Mathematics class, guide students in analyzing problem-solving strategies and encourage them to think about how they can improve their approach in future assignments.

Benefits of Fink's Taxonomy in Lesson Planning:

  • Holistic Learning: Fink's Taxonomy ensures a comprehensive approach to education, addressing not only knowledge acquisition but also personal and interpersonal development.
  • Real-World Application: The taxonomy encourages educators to design activities that simulate real-world scenarios, promoting the practical application of knowledge.
  • Interdisciplinary Connections: Integration of ideas across disciplines fosters a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of knowledge.
  • Values and Ethics Integration: By incorporating caring into lesson plans, you can instil a sense of responsibility and ethical considerations in your students.
  • Lifelong Learning Skills: Emphasizing "Learning How to Learn" equips students with skills necessary for continuous learning and adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

3. Solo’s Taxonomy

is everyone ready to explore lesson plan format and key elements of a lesson plan
The term "Solo" stands for "Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome," and it offers a structured way of categorizing and evaluating the depth and complexity of a student's understanding or learning outcomes.
Solo's Taxonomy, developed by John B. Biggs and Kevin F. Collis, is a model that focuses on five levels of understanding, capturing the depth of a learner's cognitive processes.
Each level represents a progressive stage in the development of understanding. The five understanding levels are:
  • Prestructural: The learner is at the point of not grasping the main concept and has gaps.
  • Unistructural: Understanding is based on a single point (one aspect) or idea.
  • Multistructural: Recognition of several points, though unrelated and unorganized.
  • Relational: Points are logically related to an answer.
  • Extended Abstract: Demonstrating a deep, abstract understanding through unexpected extensions.

Using Solo’s Taxonomy in Different Components of Lesson Plans:

  • Prestructural: Begin the lesson by assessing students' prior knowledge and addressing any gaps in understanding. Use simple, introductory questions to identify areas where students might be missing the point. In an environmental studies class, a student is unfamiliar with basic terms related to trees.
  • Unistructural: Introduce key concepts and encourage students to focus on understanding one aspect thoroughly. Provide examples and exercises that allow them to explore deeply into a single dimension of the topic. In a History lesson, a student can recall a single cause of a historical event.
  • Multistructural: Expand the complexity by prompting students to consider multiple, yet unrelated, aspects of a topic. Assign tasks that require listing various elements without the expectation of connecting them initially. In a geography class, a student lists various climate zones without explaining their interconnections.
  • Relational: Guide students to establish logical connections between different aspects of the lesson. Encourage discussions and activities that prompt them to explain how different elements are related and influence each other.In a physics lesson, a student explains how different physical laws interact to produce a specific phenomenon.
  • Extended Abstract: Come to an end of the lesson with activities that challenge students to apply their knowledge in unexpected ways. Assign projects or tasks that require creativity and the synthesis of information learned throughout the lesson. In a literature class, a student creates an entirely new story inspired by the themes of a studied novel.

Benefits of Solo’s Taxonomy in Lesson Planning:

  • Targeted Differentiation: Solo's Taxonomy allows for targeted differentiation, tailoring instruction to individual students based on their current level of understanding.
  • Progressive Development: The taxonomy emphasizes the progression of understanding, guiding students from basic comprehension to deeper, more abstract thinking.
  • Diagnostic Assessment: Teachers can use the taxonomy to conduct diagnostic assessments, identifying and addressing specific areas of weakness in students' understanding.
  • Clear Learning Path: Solo's Taxonomy provides a clear learning path, helping educators structure lessons to guide students through increasingly complex levels of understanding.
  • Promotion of Critical Thinking: By focusing on logical connections and abstract thinking, Solo's Taxonomy encourages the development of critical thinking skills essential for higher-level learning.

Classification 3: Sequential Lesson Plans

Now that we've explored the types of lesson plans based on timelines and taxonomies, let's dive into sequential lesson plans. Think of sequential lesson plans as a series of interconnected steps, much like following a recipe. Each lesson builds upon the previous one, creating a cohesive learning journey for students.


Sequential lesson plans are designed to create a logical progression of learning experiences that build upon one another over time. They establish connections between concepts, skills, and activities, guiding students through a structured learning pathway.
  • Seamless Integration: Sequential lesson plans seamlessly integrate concepts and skills across multiple lessons, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Continuous Development: By building upon prior knowledge and experiences, sequential lesson plans promote continuous student development and mastery of content.
  • Interdisciplinary Connections: Sequential lesson plans provide opportunities to make interdisciplinary connections, demonstrating the relevance of learning across various subjects and contexts.
  • Long-Term Planning: They facilitate long-term planning by outlining the progression of learning over an extended period, ensuring coherence and alignment with curriculum goals.


A sequential lesson plan typically includes the following components:
  • Unit Overview: An overview of the unit or thematic focus, outlining the key concepts, objectives, and essential questions to be addressed.
  • Lesson Objectives: Clear and measurable learning objectives for each lesson, aligned with the broader unit goals
  • Sequence of Lessons: A detailed sequence of lessons, organized in a logical progression, highlighting connections and transitions between lessons.
  • Activities and Resources: Description of activities, materials, and resources to be used in each lesson, ensuring engagement and active participation.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Strategies for assessing student understanding and progress throughout the unit, including formative and summative assessment methods.
  • Reflection and Adjustment: Opportunities for reflection on student learning and instructional practices, allowing for ongoing adjustment and refinement of teaching strategies.
  • Homework: If there is weekly homework, it should be outlined.

Benefits of Sequential Lesson Plans:

  • Progressive Learning: Sequential lesson plans promote progressive learning, guiding students through a structured sequence of activities and experiences that build upon one another.
  • Coherent Instruction: They ensure coherence and consistency in instruction by establishing clear connections between lessons and reinforcing key concepts and skills.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Sequential lesson plans allow for differentiation based on student needs, interests, and learning styles, supporting individualized learning experiences within the context of the unit.
  • Enhanced Engagement: By providing a sense of continuity and purpose, sequential lesson plans enhance student engagement and motivation, fostering a positive learning environment.
  • Holistic Understanding: They promote a holistic understanding of the subject matter by exploring concepts from multiple perspectives and integrating various learning experiences.

Wrapping Up!

So, we've explored different types of lesson plans based on timelines, educational ideas, and sequencing. It's like having different tools for different jobs!
Just imagine: short plans are like quick fixes, while sequential ones are like following steps in a recipe. Each type helps you meet your students' needs in different ways. Understanding these types helps you plan better lessons that fit your students and classroom. It's like having a map to guide you through teaching!
So, let's celebrate the variety of lesson plans! With these ideas, you're all set to create exciting lessons that make learning fun and meaningful for your students.
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Written By

Simran Agarwal

Simran is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher. She is passionate about learning and making a difference through her words.

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