

Chapter 2

Find Teaching Jobs in Delhi-NCR


Welcome to the vibrant world of Delhi-NCR, a melting pot of culture, history, and educational excellence. This region includes Delhi and parts of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan. It is a bustling hub for teachers seeking dynamic ‘teaching jobs near me.’
School jobs near me in Delhi
Delhi-NCR buzzes with diverse teaching opportunities. It's a hotspot for teachers eager to thrive in an exciting, competitive environment. Navigating the teaching job market here can be quite an adventure. This chapter will help guide you through all of it.
We'll dive into the local educational system and how to find the right job opportunities. You'll learn about the qualifications needed and the best ways to search for jobs. We'll also introduce you to the educational community in Delhi-NCR. Let's get started!

Understanding Delhi-NCR's Educational System

Picture this: You're on a journey to find your dream teaching job in Delhi-NCR. But where do you start? The answer lies in understanding Delhi-NCR's education sector. It's like setting the foundation for your teaching career in this dynamic region. So, let's take a closer look.

Types of Schools in Delhi-NCR

Public Schools

Delhi-NCR houses approximately 1,2501 public schools, making up nearly 51% of the educational institutions. These schools operate under the Directorate of Education and may follow the CBSE or the CISCE boards.
Some renowned schools include Kendriya Vidyalaya and Sarvodaya Vidyalaya.
Good for you because: These schools often promise job security and the chance to impact a diverse range of students.
But keep in mind: Challenges include managing larger class sizes and working with limited resources, which demands creativity and flexibility in your teaching approach.
Public schools in Delhi

Private Schools

With around 1,1872 private schools, they account for roughly 48% of the schooling system. These institutions often adhere to CBSE, CISCE, or even international boards, providing a wide range of educational environments.
Some notable private schools are The Shri Ram School and Delhi Public School.
Why it's great: Access to better resources and smaller class sizes open doors for more personalized learning journeys. This results in more freedom to employ diverse teaching methods, improving your skill set.
On the other side: The expectations for performance and innovation are higher, and the selection process can be competitive.
Schools with teacher vacancies in Delhi

International Schools

Out of the private schooling segment, 363 schools are international, representing a small but significant 3%. These schools follow international curricula such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE).
Some prominent international schools in Delhi include The British School and The American Embassy School.
The upside for you: Competitive salaries and the opportunity to engage with international curricula, offering a global perspective on education.
The downside for you: Often requires prior experience with relevant curriculums and a readiness to meet the demands of a diverse student body.
International school teaching jobs in DelhiBook a 1-on-1 Call

Special Education Institutions

A niche but vital part of the Delhi education sector, with around 74 specialized schools, they make up less than 1%. These schools provide a supportive environment for implementing specialized teaching strategies.
Notable special education institutions include Government Lady Noyce Senior Secondary School For The Deaf & Dumb and Nursery Primary School For The Deaf.
Your opportunity: These institutions offer the chance to make a profound impact on students with special needs, providing a fulfilling and rewarding teaching experience.
Something to remember: These roles may require additional training in special education techniques and a patient, understanding approach to teaching.
Note: 1,2,3,4 were last updated on 28th February 2024.

Regulatory Bodies Overseeing Education

The educational landscape is regulated by the Directorate of Education in Delhi, with respective authorities for other NCR areas. These bodies set policies and standards that impact everything from curriculum to school operations.
Familiarizing yourself with these regulations is crucial for working effectively within the region's educational framework.
Regulatory body overseeing teaching jobs in Delhi

In-Demand Teaching Vacancies

Teacher demand in Delhi-NCR is sky-high, especially for subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. With the city's emphasis on quality education, there's a constant need for skilled and dedicated teachers.

Average Salary

The average salary for teachers in Delhi-NCR varies. Public school teachers earn differently than private or international school teachers. On average, a teacher can expect to earn around ₹25,000 per month. However, this can range from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000, depending on the school, qualifications, and experience.
Public school teachers typically earn between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 per month. Private schools might offer salaries reaching ₹75,000 or even exceeding ₹1,00,000 for highly qualified and experienced individuals.
School Type Average Salary Range (Annual)
Public Schools ₹2.30 Lakhs - ₹8.40 Lakhs
Private Schools ₹2.80 Lakhs - ₹5.00 Lakhs
International Schools ₹6.00 Lakhs - ₹15.00 Lakhs+
Special Education Schools ₹2.50 Lakhs - ₹6.00 Lakhs
Disclaimer: The salary ranges presented in this table are not determined or endorsed by Suraasa. The information is based on various sources and may vary. We recommend conducting your own research for the most accurate data.
Delhi-NCR's education sector offers a dynamic and diverse environment for teachers
Whether you're drawn to
the traditional setting of public schools, 
the advanced facilities of private schools,
or the global outlook of international schools, 
there's a place for you here.
And the doors to such great schools often open with the right profile, qualifications, and teaching portfolio. Talk to a teacher career expert today and learn how you can get there.
Talk to an Expert

Qualifications* Needed for Teaching in Delhi-NCR

Qualifications for teaching jobs in Delhi
If you're on the hunt for a teaching job in Delhi-NCR, you'll need the right qualifications. Here's what you need to know:

For Public Schools

  • Bachelor’s Degree (any field): Having an undergraduate degree in any subject is mandatory (bonus points if it’s in education or related to your teaching subject).
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.): Essential for teaching, covering pedagogy and classroom management.
  • Delhi Teacher Eligibility Test (DTET): A must for teaching in Delhi's public schools.

For Private Schools

  • Bachelor’s Degree (any field): Having a degree in your teaching subject is beneficial.
  • Teaching Qualification: Unlike public schools, a B.Ed. is not mandatory. Any teaching qualification such as a B.Ed. or PgCTL will work.

For International Schools

  • Bachelor's Degree (Any field): While any subject works, some schools prefer a degree related to education or your teaching subject.
  • Internationally recognized Teaching Qualifications: Schools following IB or CAIE curriculums require appropriate international teaching qualifications, eg: PgCTL, PGCE.
Teacher at International School in DelhiBook a 1-1 Call

For Special Education Institutions

  • Bachelor's Degree: Preferably in Education or a related field like Special Education.
  • Bachelor of Education (Special Education) (B.Ed. SE): This specialized degree equips you with the knowledge and skills to cater to students with specific learning needs.
  • Additional Certifications: Depending on the specific needs of the school, additional certifications in areas like Sign Language, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or Learning Disabilities might be required.
*Note: These are general requirements and may vary depending on the specific school and its policies. Always refer to the individual school's website or contact them for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding their required qualifications.
In Delhi-NCR, being a teacher is about more than just qualifications. Schools want teachers who are adaptable, innovative, and committed to student growth. Staying updated with the latest teaching methods and engaging in continuous professional development is how you stand out.

Where to Look for Teaching Jobs in Delhi-NCR

Armed with the right qualifications, your next step is to find the perfect teaching job in Delhi-NCR. Here are some top resources to kickstart your job hunt:

1. Generic Job Listing Websites

Create a profile on leading job listing platforms like Naukri or Indeed. You can add Delhi-NCR as the location and sector of education to get a list of all teaching vacancies in Delhi-NCR.
Schools with teacher vacancies in Mumbai

2. Teaching-Specific Websites

Ever wished for a job search platform tailor-made for teachers? Well, your wish has come true. One example of a specialized platform for teaching jobs in Delhi-NCR is Suraasa Jobs.
Keep in mind, it’s a unique offering for Suraasa learners. With it, you can sift through a variety of teaching jobs in Delhi, customizing your hunt to suit your exact needs.
Click here to start exploring Suraasa Jobs right away.
Here are some of the open positions available on Suraasa Jobs:
Job Title Link
PRT Teacher at East Point School Check Opening
TGT Social Studies at East Point School Check Opening
PGT Commerce at East Point School Check Opening
TGT English at Gyan Mandir Public School Check Opening
Early Years teacher at K8 School Check Opening

Pro Tip

Set Up Job Alerts
Don't miss out on your dream teaching job in Delhi! Set up alerts on job listing platforms to receive notifications about new openings. This way, you can be one of the first to apply for the latest vacancies.

3. School Websites and Local Education Department Sites

Many schools in Delhi-NCR also advertise vacancies directly on their websites. Keeping an eye on the careers section of these websites can provide early access to new openings. Additionally, the Directorate of Education, Delhi, and respective state education department websites are essential resources for public school vacancies.
Navigating job portals and listings effectively can significantly increase your chances of finding suitable teaching opportunities in Delhi-NCR. In the following section, we will discuss networking opportunities and how they can further aid your job search.

Networking and Professional Development Opportunities

Finding a teaching job in Delhi-NCR is not only about having the right qualifications and skills but also about having the right connections and opportunities. Networking and professional development are essential aspects of building and advancing your teaching career in Delhi-NCR.
There are many ways to network and develop professionally as a teacher in Delhi-NCR, but some of the most effective and popular ones are:

Local Teaching Unions and Professional Organizations

Get involved with groups like the Delhi Teachers' Association or the Delhi Private School Teachers Association. They're all about supporting teachers' rights and creating a space for sharing and learning from each other.

Events, Workshops, and Conferences

Look out for local events like the Education World Forum or the Teacher Development Summit. These are perfect for connecting with teachers, discovering new trends, and finding mentors who can guide you.
Don't miss the International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL) and the Teacher Excellence Awards (TEA). These events offer insights and recognition for teachers.

Courses and Certifications

Boost your skills by taking skill courses available online. These can make you stand out to employers. For an international edge, consider the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning (PgCTL).
And if you're looking to sharpen a specific skill, why not check out courses on Lesson Planning? English fluency is key for those dream gigs too, so consider a course to brush up your English to international standards.
Need a Career Guide?
If picking the right course feels overwhelming, why not chat with a mentor? They can steer you towards the professional development paths that align with your career goals.
Chat with a Mentor

Stay Connected with Social Media

LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with other teachers and schools in Delhi-NCR. Online communities like ‘Teachers of Delhi’ on Facebook or ‘Delhi Education Network’ on LinkedIn are great places to start.
Share your thoughts, join conversations, and stay in the loop about the latest job openings.

Alumni Networks

If you studied in the region, don’t forget to tap into your alma mater’s alumni network. Many schools and colleges have active alumni groups that share job opportunities and organize meet-ups.
Another important part of working in a city is adjusting to its culture and lifestyle. Let’s understand more about the culture of Delhi-NCR in the next section.

Living and Working in Delhi-NCR

Delhi-NCR is not just an excellent place for teaching; it's also a fantastic place to live. The city offers a unique lifestyle, rich in culture and community. With a range of facilities and services, life here can be both convenient and enjoyable. In this section, we'll give you some insights into living and working in Delhi-NCR.
So, let's dive into what makes Delhi-NCR a great place for teachers to call home.


In Delhi-NCR, Hindi is the main language spoken by most people. But English is also widely used, especially in schools, businesses, and government offices.
You'll also hear Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, and Tamil, reflecting the city's diversity. As a teacher, being fluent in English is important. It's also helpful to know some basic Hindi for everyday communication.


Delhi-NCR is known for its vibrant festivals. The city celebrates many festivals, showcasing its rich culture. Major ones include Diwali, Holi, Republic Day, Durga Puja, and Eid. These celebrations bring holidays, which are perfect for teachers to relax and recharge.
Celebrating a teacher job


Getting around in Delhi-NCR is easy with its well-developed transportation system. The Metro is a popular choice for its speed and affordability.
Buses and auto-rickshaws are great for shorter trips. For a more comfortable ride, taxis are available through various apps like Ola and Uber.
Travel to school jobs near me


There are plenty of accommodation options to suit different budgets. Hostels are a budget-friendly choice, while PGs (Paying Guests) offer furnished rooms with amenities. For more space and comfort, you can rent an apartment.

Living Expenses

Living in Delhi is a vibrant experience, but budgeting is key. Renting starts at ₹8,000 for shared rooms, while utilities and groceries add another ₹5,000-₹7,000 monthly.
Public transport is budget-friendly, with monthly passes around ₹1,000. Remember, cooking at home and seeking affordable options are crucial for managing expenses like groceries, mobile phone bills, and occasional entertainment.
Living in Delhi-NCR is a blend of tradition and modernity. It's a place where you can enjoy a rich cultural life while advancing your teaching career. So, get ready to embrace life in this dynamic region!


Before we wrap up, imagine yourself embarking on an exciting teaching journey right here in Delhi-NCR. It's the ultimate playground for teachers. Whether you're just starting out or bringing years of experience, there's a spot for you here.
So, gear up for an adventure in teaching, and let Delhi-NCR be the backdrop for your next big career move. Here's to new beginnings and exciting journeys in this vibrant city!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a teacher in Delhi?
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How do I join a teaching job?
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What are the average salaries for teachers in Delhi-NCR?
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What is the demand for special education teachers in Delhi-NCR?
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What are the top schools to work for in Delhi?
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Written By

Aashita Pillai

Aashita is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher Mentor for a couple of years. She wields words like weapons to help readers get clear and concise information.

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This is usually the interviewer's first question to gain insights into your background, qualifications, teaching style, and experience.
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